Helpful Hints

Here are some helpful hints for bowlers!

1. STRETCH.  Bowling might not be as strenuous as ice hockey or baseball, but you are using muscles. It is recommended that you stretch for at least five minute before you bowl. Stretch out your arms (biceps and triceps). Loosen your wrists. Stretch your back. And stretch your legs.  The more limber you are, the better you’ll bowl!

2. BE COURTEOUS.  If someone else is bowling in the lane next to you, be courteous and let them bowl before you make your approach. It can be distracting to another bowler to have someone bowling right next to them.

3. TAKE YOUR TIME. Don’t rush. Take your time. Line yourself up. Focus. Work on perfecting your throw!

4. BE SUPPORTIVE. Cheer on your teammates. Congratulate them on doing well. High-fives are a good start. Console them on gutterballs and missed spares.  Buy them a beer. Or two.